2019.20 Pass Holder Credit
How Much Will I Get?
The unexpected end to last season left many of you asking that question. Rest assured; 2019.20 pass and card holders will get credit to apply to a 2020.21 pass or card.
You will have received a personalized email with your credit information on May 13th.
No math is required right now; the email you will receive contains the credit breakdown. But to give you a sense of how this will work, please refer to the charts below.
We are providing season pass holders a minimum credit of 20% of the price of their 2019.20 pass, which can be applied to a 2020.21 season pass of equal or greater value. If you waited until spring to use your pass and used your pass less than five days, or didn’t use your pass at all, you’ll receive more credit - up to 80% of what you paid for your pass.
1. Promo codes can only be redeemed by the guest they were assigned to
2. Make sure to use the account referenced in the email you were sent with your promo code, as it is directly connected to this account.
3. 2019.20 Pass holder credits are redeemable online for pass products of equal or greater value than their 2019.20 pass.
4. If you purchased a pass before May 13, 2020, no action is required--your credit will be automatically applied once you accept the Pass Holder Credit Terms and Conditions.
PASS HOLDER RESERVATIONS , opens in a new window
For your safety, we will be managing how many people are on our mountains this season and implementing a pass holder reservation system. Reservations will be required to access our mountains. Pass holders will receive priority access.
We are providing a credit up to 80% of your 2019.20 pass price based on the number of unused days, to apply toward a pass of equal or greater value for next season.
If you have already purchased a pass for next season or if you renew your pass prior to receiving your promotion code, we will retroactively provide the credit value back to you. Please review the FAQs to learn more.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Given the resort closures during the 2019.20 season due to COVID-19, are you offering a credit to pass holders?
A: Yes, Vail Resorts offered our valued pass holders who purchased a 2019.20 pass product a credit toward the purchase of a new pass for the 2020.21 season. Eligible pass products included: an Epic Pass, Whistler Blackcomb Season Pass, EDGE Card, Epic Day Pass, Resort Pass and Multi-Pack Season Pass.
We provided 2019.20 general season pass holders a minimum credit of 20% of their 2019.20 pass price if they purchase a 2020.21 pass of equal or greater value, based on the resort closures in mid-March impacting ~20% of the core season. Additionally, we recognize that some guests were waiting until spring to use their pass. As a result, we provided higher credits for general season pass holders who used their pass fewer than five days, up to a maximum credit of 80% of their 2019.20 pass price, if they purchase a 2020.21 pass of equal or greater value.
2019.20 EDGE Card, Epic Day Pass and Multi-Pack Season Pass holders received a credit up to 80% of their 2019.20 pass price based on their number of unused days if they purchase a 2020.21 pass of equal or greater value.
To give pass holders more time, we extended the credit redemption period, so all credits could be applied toward the purchase of a 2020 / 21 pass of equal or greater value until September 17, 2020. If 2019.20 pass holders purchase a 2020.21 pass of lesser value, they will receive a percent discount off their 2020.21 purchase equal to the percentage of their credit from their 2019.20 pass product. See the “How do I determine my credit?” section below for more information.
Q: Which Pass products are eligible for a credit towards a 2020.21 pass purchase?
A: Epic Pass, Whistler Blackcomb Season Pass, EDGE Cards, Epic Day Pass, Resort Pass and Multi-Pack Season Pass products that were paid for were potentially eligible for a credit towards the 2020.21 season. For Epic Day Pass and Multi-Pack Season Pass holders, you were not eligible for a credit if you used all of the days of your product before the resort closures. Here is an overview of eligible pass products:
- Epic Pass, Epic Local Pass and Military Epic Pass
- Whistler Blackcomb Season Pass
- EDGE Card
- Epic Day Pass
- Regional Pass Products: Summit Value, Keystone Plus Pass, Keystone Crested Butte 4 Pack, Okemo/Mount Sunapee Pass, Okemo/Mount Sunapee Midweek Pass, Northeast College Pass, Tahoe Local Pass, Tahoe Value Pass, Kirkwood Pass, Park City Youth Pass, Afton Alps Pass, Mt Brighton Pass, Wilmot Pass, Stevens Pass Select Pass, Stevens Pass Premium Pass, Stevens Pass Powder Packs, Crested Butte Pass, Explorer, Explorer Youth, Drifter, Ranger, Scout, and Traveler passes, Whistler Blackcomb Edge Cards and Whistler Blackcomb Unlimited Season Pass.
- Other Passes: To view additional eligible passes, click here.
Q: I wasn’t able to use my pass at all this season or only used it for a few days. Am I eligible for a credit?
A: Whether you have an Epic Pass, Whistler Blackcomb Season Pass, EDGE Card, Epic Day Pass, Resort Pass and Multi-Pack Season Pass, you may have been eligible for a credit that can be applied towards the purchase of a 2020.21 pass. Your credit amount was determined based on your pass type and the number of days you used your pass. The maximum credit you may received if you were not able to use your pass at all is 80%. Please refer to the “How do I determine my credit?” section for details.
Q: I purchased a 2019.20 Epic Day Pass or Multi-Pack Season Pass Product (e.g. Keystone Crested Butte 4 Pack, Park City 4 Pack, etc.) and used all of my days. Am I eligible for a credit for next season?
A: If you utilized all of the days on your Epic Day Pass or other Multi-Pack Season pass, you were not eligible for a credit.
Q: I have a 2019.20 Peak Pass, Drifter Pass, or another pass from the former Peak Resorts, am I eligible for a credit?
A: The following former Peak Resorts passes were eligible for a credit: Explorer, Explorer Youth, Drifter, Ranger, Scout, and Traveler passes. Please click here for a full list of eligible pass products.
Q: I didn’t use my Epic Pass, Whistler Blackcomb Season Pass, EDGE Card, Epic Day Pass, Resort Pass or Multi-Pack Season Pass at all this season, do I get 100% credit for my unused pass?
A: There was a maximum credit of 80% for those pass holders who did not use their pass at all in the 2019.20 season.
Q: I don't see my pass listed here - am I eligible for a credit?
A: Please click here for a full list of eligible pass products. If you purchased an Epic Day Pass or other Multi-Pack Season Pass Product and utilized all of the days of your product, you were not eligible for a credit. If you have a pass that is not listed as eligible, it was not included in the credit program.
Q: I am a 2019 Epic Australia Pass holder, am I eligible for a credit?
A: No, since Epic Australia Pass holders had access to their local resort for the entire 2019 ski season, they were not eligible for a credit due to the closures in North America.
Q: I bought my pass through a travel agency or wholesale partner, am I eligible for a credit?
A: If you bought your pass through a travel agency, you were potentially eligible for a credit. Please reach out to your travel agency partner to learn more, so that we can work with you to address the situation in a timely manner.
Q: Why is Vail Resorts not refunding 2019.20 season passes?
A: All of our 2019.20 passes were non-refundable, per the 2019.20 terms and conditions of the product, and the length of the ski season was not something that was guaranteed. That said, we recognized that our resort closures impacted about 20% of the core season. We were especially mindful of those who had Spring Break trips planned, and didn’t get to use their 2019.20 pass at all. Vail Resorts offered credits that you can apply towards 2020.21 pass purchases, based on the number of days you were able to use your pass and the type of pass you purchased. We provided higher credits, up to a maximum credit of 80% of your 2019.20 pass price, for 2019.20 general season pass holders who used their pass fewer than five days and purchase a 2020.21 pass of equal or greater value. Epic Day Pass and Multi-Pack Season Pass holders received a credit up to 80% of their 2019.20 pass price based on their number of unused days if they purchase a 2020.21 pass of equal or greater value. We recognized our passes and pass insurance historically did not provide refunds for this unique situation, which is why we addressed it going forward with our new Epic Coverage, click here for more details. We truly hope you feel that this honors your loyalty and helps to ensure you have a great next season.
Q: What happens to any unused Buddy tickets or Ski With a Friend (SWAF) Tickets from the 2019.20 Ski season?
A: Any unused Buddy or SWAF tickets from the 2019.20 ski season do not roll over to the 2020.21 ski season. When you renew your pass for the 2020.21 season, depending on when and what pass you purchase, your new pass may have new Buddy Tickets and SWAF tickets to be used for the 2020.21 season.
Q: How can I find out what my credit is?
A: Pass holders received an email on or around May 13, 2020 (or around May 21, 2020 for our former Peak Resorts pass holders) with the amount of their individual credit. The email included a unique promotional code that can be used to redeem your credit. To give pass holders more time, we extended the credit redemption, so all credits could be applied toward the purchase of a 2020.21 pass until September 17, 2020. If you did not receive an email on May 13 and believe you should receive a credit, please visit epicpass.com to submit an inquiry for a credit, through our online form. If you renewed your pass prior to receiving this promotional code and you accept the 2019.20 Pass holder Credit Terms and Conditions, we will provide you with a refund in the amount of your credit.
Q: How do I determine what my credit will be?
A: You should have received a personalized email on or around May 13, 2020 (or around May 21, 2020 for our former Peak Resorts pass holders) with the amount of your credit and a unique promotional code you can redeem when purchasing your 2020.21 Pass. If you did not receive an email on May 13 and believe you should receive a credit, please submit an inquiry for a credit, through our online form. In addition, the information below will help you determine your credit based on your pass type and the number of days you used your pass.
If you purchase a 2020.21 pass of equal or greater value than your 2019.20 pass:
2019.20 General Season Pass holders received between a 20% and 80% credit based on the number of days you were able to ski. The credit was calculated from the price of your 2019.20 pass and can be applied towards your 2020.21 pass purchase. Reference the chart for exact credits amounts here.
Example: For the 2019.20 season, a guest purchased an Epic Local Pass for $699. The guest did not use any of the days on this pass and received an 80% credit, which is $560. The guest may apply the full $560 credit to purchase another Epic Local Pass or a higher value product, such as an Epic Pass.
2019.20 Epic Day Pass and Multi-Pack Season Pass holders received a credit up to 80% of their 2019.20 pass price based on their number of unused days. The credit was calculated from the price of your 2019.20 pass and can be applied towards your 2020.21 pass purchase. Reference the chart for extra credit amounts here
Example: For the 2019.20 season, a guest purchased an Epic Day Pass 5 Day for $456. The guest did not use any of the days on this pass and received an 80% credit of $365. The guest may apply the full $365 credit to another Epic Day Pass – 5 Day or a higher value product such as an Epic Pass.
If you purchase a 2020.21 pass of lesser value than your 2019.20 pass:
2019.20 Epic Pass, Whistler Blackcomb Season Pass, EDGE Card, Epic Day Pass, Resort Pass and Multi-Pack Season Pass holders who choose to purchase a lower value pass product for 2020.21 will receive a percent discount off their 2020.21 pass purchase equal to the percentage of the credit for their 2019.20 product as shown in the tables above. If you want to purchase a 2020.21 pass of lesser value than your 2019.20 pass, please use our online form.
Example – General Season Pass holders: For the 2019.20 season, a guest purchased an Epic Local Pass for $699. The guest did not use any of the days on this pass and is eligible to receive an 80% credit. If the guest chooses to purchase a lesser value product for the 2020.21 season such as an Epic Day Pass – 5 Day, the guest will receive an 80% discount off of the Epic Day Pass – 5 Day price.
Example – Epic Day Pass or Multi-Pack Season Pass holders: For the 2019.20 season, a guest purchased an Epic Day Pass - 5 Day for $456. The guest did not use any of the days on this pass and is eligible to receive an 80% credit. If the guest chooses to purchase a lesser value product for the 2020.21 season such as an Epic Day Pass – 4 Day, the guest will receive an 80% discount off of the Epic Day Pass – 4 Day price.
Q: I am an Epic 7 Day Pass holder or a Whistler Blackcomb Edge - 10 Day card holder, why is my credit only 20% if I used my pass 5 days or more?
A: Epic Day Pass – 7 Day pass holders with five days of usage received the same credits as an Epic Pass holder with five days of usage to ensure consistency between the two products. Similarly, Whistler Blackcomb Edge - 10 Day card holders with between five and eight days of usage received the same credits as Whistler Blackcomb Unlimited pass holders with between five and eight days of usage.
Q: If I purchased multiple pass products, will I receive a credit for each pass individually?
A: Yes, if you are eligible for a credit, you received a credit for each pass product that was purchased and can apply each credit to an eligible pass product. Credits cannot be combined.
Q: Why are refunds offered on 2019.20 lift tickets and not 2019.20 season passes?
A: Our pass products offer substantial discounts, flexibility and access relative to buying a lift ticket product. By committing in advance of the season, you are able to receive up to a 50% discount relative to the price of buying a lift ticket at the window. In contrast, Lift Ticket products are not discounted at the same rate as a pass and are purchased for a specific date. For the 2019.20 season, Lift Ticket products purchased for dates after the resorts closed were refunded.
Q: Does the credit offered to General Season Pass holders for the 2020.21 season vary depending on whether or not the pass holder purchased pass insurance?
A: The credit offered to our pass holders was the same whether you purchased pass insurance or not. If you did purchase pass insurance and believe you are eligible for a claim, please refer to the terms and conditions of the pass insurance here. All pass insurance claims had to be submitted by July 15, 2020 for a refund of your pass. If you receive a full or partial refund as the result of a pass insurance claim, you are not eligible for the credit program. Please refer to the section “How does the credit impact pass insurance?” below for more information.
Q: I believe I am eligible for a credit, but have not been notified with my credit amount. How do I address this?
A: All promotional codes with your credit amount were sent out on or around May 13, 2020. Please complete our online form, so that we can work with you to address the situation in a timely manner.
Please note our former Peak Resorts pass holders received their individual credit and promotional code via email on or around May 21, 2020.
Q: What should I do if I think there is a mistake with the amount of my credit?
A: Please complete our online form, so that we can work with you to address the situation in a timely manner.
Q: How do I redeem my credit for my 2020.21 Pass?
A: You should have received your individual credit by email on or around May 13, 2020 (or around May 21, 2020 for our former Peak Resorts pass holders), which included your eligible promotional code. You could redeem your credit for a 2020.21 pass across the following channels:
- Online at epicpass.com or any of our resort sites: Please use your promotional code during the check-out process.
- By calling our pass experts at 1-800-766-0449, please be prepared to provide your promotional code to the agent.
- Through our travel agency partners, please be prepared to provide your promotional code to the travel agency during your booking.
If you purchased your pass prior to receiving your credit notice (May 13, 2020 or May 21, 2020) or have already renewed your pass, we will provide you with a refund in the amount of your credit, after you accept the 2019.20 Pass holder Credit Terms and Conditions
Q: Am I able to rollover my credit to the 2021.22 season?
A: If you purchased a 2020.21 Pass and became eligible for a refund of your 2020.21 Pass under Epic Coverage, you may be eligible to rollover all or a portion of your 2019.20 Pass Holder Credit towards the purchase of a 2021.22 pass of equal or greater value. Terms and conditions apply. Please see Epic Coverage Terms and Conditions for more information.
Q: I received multiple Promo Codes in my email, can I combine them for my pass purchase?
A: No, individual promo codes could not be combined and applied to the purchase of a single pass. Only one promo code could be used for each 2020.21 pass you purchased.
Q: Can I share my promo code with someone else?
A: No, credits were assigned to the original pass holders name and could only be applied to the same pass holder name for the 2020.21 season. They were not transferable.
Q: Can I combine promo codes from other members of my family to purchase my 2020.21 pass?
A: No, promo codes were for each individual and were only eligible to be redeemed by the named individual on the credit.
Q: Can the credit be used on any Epic Pass, Whistler Blackcomb Season Pass, Edge Card, Epic Day Pass, Resort Pass or Multi-Pack Season Pass product?
A: The full dollar value of your credit could be applied to your purchase of a 2020.21 product of equal or greater value to your 2019.20 pass product. If you chcse to purchase a 2020.21 pass of lesser value than your 2019.20 pass, you received a percent discount off your 2020.21 purchase equal to the percentage of your credit from your 2019.20 pass.
Please refer to the “How do I determine my credit?” section above for details.
Credits are not eligible on any other products that we offer, including but not limited to lodging, lessons, rentals, or food and beverage.
General Season Pass Example
For the 2019.20 season, a guest purchased an Epic Local Pass for $699. The guest did not use the pass at all and is eligible to receive an 80% credit, equal to $559 to apply to a 2020.21 pass product of equal or greater value If the guest choses to purchase a lesser value product for the 2020.21 season such as an Epic Day Pass – 5 Day, the guest received an 80% discount off of the Epic Day Pass – 5 Day price.
Epic Day Pass or Multi-Pack Season Pass Example
For the 2019.20 season, a guest purchased an Epic Day Pass - 5 Day for $456. The guest did not use any of the days on this pass and is eligible to receive an 80% credit, equal to $365 to apply to a 2020.21 pass product of equal or greater value. If the guest choses to purchase a lesser value product for the 2020.21 season such as an Epic Day Pass – 4 Day, the guest will receive an 80% discount off of the Epic Day Pass – 4 Day price.
A: No, you could not receive any remaining credit as a refund or transfer the credit to another person. If the pass you purchase for the 2020.21 season costs less than your credit, than the remaining credit was forfeited.
Q: If I buy a pass product that costs less than the amount of my credit, can I transfer the remaining credit to another pass product?
A: No, a credit could not be applied across products. You could only purchase one pass with one credit; if the pass you purchased for the 2020.21 season costs less than your credit, than the remaining credit was forfeited.
Q: I already purchased my 2020.21 Epic Pass, Whistler Blackcomb Season Pass, EDGE Card or Epic Day Pass, can I still redeem my credit?
A: Yes, if you already purchased a pass for the 2020.21 season, you can still utilize your credit. If you have paid for your pass in full, you can call one of our pass experts at 1-800-766-0449, accept the 2019.20 Pass holder Credit Terms and Conditions by October 12, 2020 and we will issue a refund to you by the beginning of November based on the credit you received.
If you have already paid $49 down, then the credit will be applied to your remaining final payment due in November. Prior to your credit being applied, you must accept the 2019.20 Pass holder Credit Terms and Conditions by October 12, 2020, which was sent to you via a link in an email.
Q: Can my credit be applied across multiple products?
A: No, you could only apply the credit from each promo code to one 2020.21 pass product.
Q: I am enrolled in Auto Renew, can I still utilize my credit for the 2020.21 season?
A: Yes, your credit was applied if you are enrolled in the Auto Renew program. On September 15, 2020 you were charged the $49 down payment, as well as any donations if you have elected to the Auto Renew program. Prior to your down payment charge of $49, we reached out to you through email with directions regarding how to accept the Credit Terms and Conditions. After you accepted the Credit Terms and Conditions, the credit you received will be applied to your remaining final payment due in November.
Q: If I receive my credit on a Canadian pass (e.g. Whistler Blackcomb Pass, EDGE card, etc.), can I use it to purchase a USD-priced pass (e.g. Epic Pass, Epic Local, etc.)?
A: Yes, but your credit was issued in CAD.
Q: If I receive my credit on a USD-purchased pass (e.g. Epic Pass, Epic Local, etc.), can I use it to purchase a CAD-priced pass (e.g. Whistler Blackcomb Day Pass, EDGE card, etc.)?
A: Yes, but your credit was issued in USD.
Q: Why are you capping credits for pass holders at 80%?
A: We capped our credits at 80% because our mountains were actually open for the majority of the season and our passes could be used throughout the season.
Q: I saw that you are asking me to release legal claims I may have related to the closure of resorts in the 2019/20 season. Do I need to agree to that release to use my Credit?
A: Yes. The Credit is the sole benefit we are providing to pass holders for resort closures during the 2019/20 season due to COVID-19. We respect that some pass holders may pursue legal action regarding the 2019/20 season, including as plaintiffs in existing class action lawsuits. But, if you choose to pursued legal action, you could not also use your Credit. It is your choice if you would like to use your Credit. If you chose to use the Credit, you acknowledged that receiving the Credit has addressed your concerns about last season. Please review the terms and conditions at the bottom of this page and the release in Section 9 of the terms and conditions to learn more.
Q: I saw that class action lawsuits have been filed against Vail for the 2019/20 season. Will accepting the Credit affect my rights in connection with those lawsuits?
A: Yes. Class action lawsuits have been filed against the Vail Corporation and Vail Resorts Inc. over resort closures during the 2019/20 season due to COVID-19. These lawsuits have been consolidated in the United States District Court for the District of Colorado under the caption, Han v. Vail Resorts, Inc., No. 1:20-cv-01121-RBJ. The complaints and contact information for plaintiffs’ counsel in each of these pending class action lawsuits can be found here. Similar lawsuits may be pending or may be filed in the future. It is your choice if you would like to use your Credit. But in order to use your Credit, you must also accept the terms and conditions, which include a release in Section 9 of those terms and conditions that will prevent you participating in any of these class action lawsuits or any similar lawsuits that are filed. If you have any questions regarding the impact of the release on your legal rights, you should speak with a lawyer.
A: Yes. Class action lawsuits have been filed against United Specialty Insurance Company (“USIC”), Beecher Carlson Insurance, LLC, and American Claims Management Inc. related to pass insurance claims regarding resort closures during the 2019/20 season due to COVID-19. These lawsuits are captioned Bradley v. USIC, No. 20-cv-520 (D. Ark.); Hoak v. USIC, No. 1:20-cv-001152 (D. Colo.); Kodama v. American Claims Management, No. 20-cv-2463 (N.D. Cal); Mair v. USIC, No. 2:20-cv-00531 (D. Utah); Mueller v. USIC, No. 2:20-cv-03407 (E.D.N.Y.); and Tourgee v. USCIS, No. 1:20-cv-00902 (W.D. Tex.). The complaints and contact information for plaintiffs’ counsel in each of these pending class actions lawsuits can be found here. Similar lawsuits may be pending or may be filed in the future. It is your choice if you would like to use your Credit. But in order to use your Credit, you must also accept the terms and conditions, which include a release in Section 9 of those terms and conditions that will prevent you from participating in any of these class action lawsuits or any similar lawsuits that are filed. If you have any questions regarding the impact of the release on your legal rights, you should speak with a lawyer.
Q: What should I do if I have questions regarding my legal rights?
A: If you have any questions regarding your legal rights, or how these terms and conditions or the release in Section 9 of those terms and conditions will affects your rights, you should speak with a lawyer.
2019/2020 Pass Holder Credit Terms & Conditions
Last Updated 9/2/2020
Please read these terms and conditions (“Terms”) carefully. These Terms (in their entirety) are a binding agreement between you and Vail Corporation d/b/a Vail Resorts Management Company (“Vail Resorts”, “we” or “us”).
- Overview. We value the commitment and loyalty of our pass holders. We also share your disappointment that our resorts were forced to close in March 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. While all of our 2019/2020 passes were non-refundable, we want to honor your continued loyalty by providing eligible pass holders with an individualized credit toward your pass purchase for the 2020/2021 season, subject to the terms and conditions set out below. We developed this program to provide you with a credit that reflects your individual experience, and we hope you will continue to enjoy the mountains with us.
You are not obligated to accept this credit. If you choose to do so, you will be releasing certain rights you may have, as explained in SECTION 9 below.
- Eligibility. This section sets out the requirements that you must meet in order to be eligible for a credit towards the purchase of a pass for the 2020/2021 season (the “Credit”).
- Three Requirements for Eligibility. In order to be eligible to receive a Credit, you must satisfy the following three requirements:
- Eligible Pass. You must have paid in full for an eligible pass for the 2019/2020 season (“Eligible Pass”). The full list of Eligible Pass products can be found here.
- One or More Days Remaining on Your Eligible Pass. If you purchased a pass that provides lift access for a specified number of days, such as an EPIC Day Pass or Multi-Pack Pass, and you used all of the days available on that pass, you are not eligible for a Credit. For example, if you purchased a 5-day EPIC Day Pass and you had already used all 5 days on your pass prior to the resort closures, you are not eligible for a Credit. If you purchased a pass that is not limited to a fixed number of days, such as an EPIC Pass or an EPIC Local Pass, this requirement does not apply to you.
- No Pass Insurance Refund. If you obtain, or have obtained, a full or partial refund for your pass under the 2019/2020 Pass Insurance Policy, you are not eligible for a Credit. For those individuals who have an unresolved insurance claim, your eligibility for a Credit will be put on hold until your insurance claim is resolved. If your insurance claim results in a full or partial refund, you will not be eligible for a Credit. If your insurance claim is denied, we will send an email to you with your Credit amount and information on how to redeem the Credit.
- Eligible Pass. You must have paid in full for an eligible pass for the 2019/2020 season (“Eligible Pass”). The full list of Eligible Pass products can be found here.
- Three Requirements for Eligibility. In order to be eligible to receive a Credit, you must satisfy the following three requirements:
- The Amount of Your Credit. This section describes how Vail Resorts determines the amount of your individualized Credit, if you meet the three eligibility requirements above.
- Overview. We determine the amount of your individualized Credit based on three factors: (1) the type of pass you purchased for the 2019/2020 season and the value of that pass, (2) the number of days you used your pass in the 2019/2020 season, and (3) the type of pass you choose to purchase for the 2020/2021 season and the value of that pass. The type of pass you choose to purchase for the 2020/2021 season does not need to be the same as the type of pass that you purchased for the 2019/2020 season, but the value of the pass you purchase for the 2020/2021 season relative to the value of your 2019/2020 pass will affect the calculation of the amount of your individualized Credit.
- General Season Pass Holders. A “General Season Pass” is one that is not limited to a fixed number of days during the season; examples are the EPIC Pass and EPIC Local Pass. The full list of General Season Passes can be found here. This section explains how your Credit is calculated if you bought a General Season Pass for the 2019/2020 season.
- Purchasing a 2020/2021 Pass of Equal or Greater Value. If you choose to purchase a 2020/2021 pass that is of equal or greater value than the pass you purchased for the 2019/2020 season, your Credit will be a dollar amount determined as a percentage of the Purchase Price of your 2019/2020 pass. The “Purchase Price” is the amount you paid for a 2019/2020 pass (or, in the case of a 2020/2021 pass, the amount you will pay for a pass), net of any discounts, promotions, credits and taxes. The percentage used to calculate the Credit will vary based on the number of days you used your 2019/2020 pass, as follows:
Table 1 Credit Amount Calculation for General Season Pass Holders who Purchase a 2020/2021 Pass of Equal or Greater Value
Number of Days 2019/2020 Pass Was Used
Credit Amount
0 Days
80% of 2019/2020 Purchase Price
1 Day
68% of 2019/2020 Purchase Price
2 Days
56% of 2019/2020 Purchase Price
3 Days
44% of 2019/2020 Purchase Price
4 Days
32% of 2019/2020 Purchase Price
5 Days or More
20% of 2019/2020 Purchase Price
Please note that your Credit will be calculated as a percentage of your 2019/2020 Purchase Price only if the 2020/2021 pass that you purchase is of equal or greater value than the pass you purchased for the 2019/2020 season; if the 2020/2021 pass that you purchase is of lesser value than the pass you purchased for the 2019/2020 season, your Credit will be calculated as a percentage off the 2020/2021 Purchase Price.
Example 1: If you purchased a 2019/2020 EPIC Local Pass for $699 and used your pass 3 days during the 2019/2020 season (and otherwise meet the eligibility requirements above), you would receive an individualized Credit of $307.56 (i.e., 44% of $699) towards the purchase of an equal or higher value pass for the 2020/2021 season.
If you are purchasing a 2020/2021 pass of lesser value, see Table 2 and Example 2 instead.
- Purchasing a 2020/2021 Pass of Lesser Value. If you choose to purchase a 2020/2021 pass that is of lesser value than the pass you purchased for the 2019/2020 season, the amount of your Credit will be a percentage off the Purchase Price of that 2020/2021 pass. The Credit will vary based on the number of days you used your 2019/2020 pass, as follows:
Table 2 Credit Amount Calculation for General Season Pass Holders who Purchase a 2020/2021 Pass of Lesser Value
Number of Days 2019/2020 Pass Was Used
Credit Amount
0 Days
80% off 2020/2021 Purchase Price
1 Day
68% off 2020/2021 Purchase Price
2 Days
56% off 2020/2021 Purchase Price
3 Days
44% off 2020/2021 Purchase Price
4 Days
32% off 2020/2021 Purchase Price
5 Days or More
20% off 2020/2021 Purchase Price
Example 2: If you purchased a 2019/2020 EPIC Local Pass for $699 and used your pass 3 days during the 2019/2020 season (and otherwise meet the eligibility requirements above), you would receive an individualized Credit of 44% off of the Purchase Price of your 2020/2021 pass that is of lesser value than your 2019/2020 pass.
If you are purchasing a 2020/2021 pass of equal or greater value, please see Table 1 and Example 1 instead.
- Fixed Season Pass Holders. This section explains how your Credit will be calculated if you bought a Fixed Season Pass for the 2019/2020 season. A “Fixed Season Pass” gives the holder a fixed number of days to use the pass each season, usually ranging from 1 to 10 days, which are not required to be used on specific dates. The full list of Fixed Season Passes can be found here. The percentage used in the calculation of the Credit that you will receive will be calculated in accordance with the table below based on your Eligible Pass type and how many days you used your Eligible Pass. The actual amount of the Credit that you will receive depends on whether the 2020/2021 pass you purchase is of equal, greater, or lesser value than your 2019/2020 pass.
- Overview. We determine the amount of your individualized Credit based on three factors: (1) the type of pass you purchased for the 2019/2020 season and the value of that pass, (2) the number of days you used your pass in the 2019/2020 season, and (3) the type of pass you choose to purchase for the 2020/2021 season and the value of that pass. The type of pass you choose to purchase for the 2020/2021 season does not need to be the same as the type of pass that you purchased for the 2019/2020 season, but the value of the pass you purchase for the 2020/2021 season relative to the value of your 2019/2020 pass will affect the calculation of the amount of your individualized Credit.
Table 3 Determination of Percentage Credit Based on Days Skied for Fixed Season Pass Holders
- Purchasing a 2020/2021 Pass of Equal or Greater Value. If you choose to purchase a 2020/2021 pass that is of equal or greater value than the pass you purchased for the 2019/2020 season, your Credit will be a dollar amount determined as a percentage of the Purchase Price of your 2019/2020 pass that you could put towards the purchase of your 2020/2021 pass. The percentage will be determined based on Table 3 above.
Example 3: If you purchased a 2019/2020 EPIC 7-Day Pass for $731 and used your pass 3 days during the 2019/2020 season (and otherwise meet the eligibility requirements above), and are purchasing a 2020/2021 pass of equal or greater value than your 2019/2020 pass, you would receive an individualized Credit of $321.64 (i.e., per Table 3 above, a 44% Credit of your Purchase Price of $731) towards the purchase of your 2020/2021 pass.
If you are purchasing a 2020/2021 pass of lesser value, see Example 4 instead.
- Purchasing a 2020/2021 Pass of Lesser Value. If you choose to purchase a 2020/2021 pass that is of lesser value than the pass you purchased for the 2019/2020 season, the amount of your Credit will be determined as a percentage off the Purchase Price of your 2020/2021 pass. The percentage will be determined based on Table 3 above.
Example 4: If you purchased a 2019/2020 EPIC 7-Day Pass and used your pass 3 days during the 2019/2020 season (and otherwise meet the eligibility requirements above), and are purchasing a 2020/2021 pass of lesser value than your 2019/2020 pass, per Table 3 above you would receive an individualized Credit of 44%, which is the discount off the purchase price of your 2020/2021 pass that you can receive.
If you are purchasing a 2020/2021 pass of equal or greater value than your 2019/2020 pass, please see Example 3 instead.
4. Determining the Value of Different Passes. The determination of whether your 2020/2021 pass is of greater, equal, or lesser value than your 2019/2020 Eligible Pass will be based on the price for each pass at the beginning of the 2020/2021 season. In order to purchase a product of lesser value please submit a request at epicpass.com/passholdercredit and a representative will help you with your transaction.
5. Use of the Credit.
a. Using Your Credit Generally. You will need to input a unique promotional code at checkout to activate your individualized Credit. If you are eligible for the Credit, we have emailed you your unique promotional code on or around May 13, 2020 (or May 21, 2020 for Peak Resorts pass holders), at the addresses we have on file. If you did not receive an email and believe that you are eligible for the Credit, please use our online form to submit an inquiry for a credit. To use your promotional code on a pass of lesser value, you need to submit a request online at this link and a representative will help you with your transaction. Also, if you want to change your Credit currency (e.g. CAD to USD), you must submit a request online at this link and a representative will help you with your transaction. We update the currency conversion rate once a month, and the currency conversion rate we have on file at the time of your request will be applied to your currency conversion.
b. Auto-Renew Pass Holders.If you are enrolled in our Auto Renew Program and you are eligible for a Credit, we have emailed you with directions regarding how to accept these Terms. After you have accepted these Terms, the Credit you have received will be applied to your remaining final payment due in November 2020.
c. Online Purchases. You may redeem your Credit at epicpass.com or any of our resort websites by inputting your unique promotional code during the checkout process.
d. Phone Purchases. You may redeem your Credit by calling our pass experts at +1-970-754-0005 and providing your unique promotional code during the checkout process.
e. Travel Agency. You may redeem your Credit if you buy your pass through a travel agency by providing your travel agent with the unique promotional code to apply during the checkout process
6. Limited Redemption. You can only redeem your Credit towards the purchase of a single pass for the 2020/2021 season. You cannot use your Credit on any other product or service offered by Vail Resorts and its affiliates. You also cannot redeem any portion of your Credit for cash. If the pass you purchase for the 2020/21 season costs less than your Credit, the remaining portion of the Credit will be forfeited.
7. Time Limitations. You must use your Credit on or before September 17, 2020. If you fail to do so, your Credit will expire and be forfeited.
8. Non-Transferable. Your Credit is non-transferable and cannot be transferred to a family member, friend, or any other individual.
9. Release of Claims. You are not obligated to use your Credit. If you choose to use your Credit toward the purchase of a 2020/2021 pass, you are thereby voluntarily and knowingly agreeing, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, to waive, release, and forfeit any and all claims and actions you have or may have against Vail Resorts, or any of its resorts, subsidiaries, affiliates, or Partner Resorts and any of our or their respective officers, directors, employees, contractors, representatives, or agents (collectively, the “Vail Resorts Parties”) and any associated losses, damages and expenses (including attorneys’ fees), that relate to, arise out of, or may arise out of the operation or closure of one or more of our resorts during the 2019/2020 season, including claims you may have for any other or additional form of refund, credit, or compensation for your inability to use your 2019/2020 pass as a result of the closure of any of our resorts during the 2019/2020 season. This release includes such claims against United Specialty Insurance Company, Beecher Carlson Insurance, and American Claims Management related to pass insurance.
If you are a California resident, you waive California Civil Code Section 1542, which says: “A general release does not extend to claims that the creditor or releasing party does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release and that, if known by him or her, would have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor or released party.” If you are a resident of another jurisdiction, you waive any comparable statute or doctrine.
Notice of Class Action Lawsuits:
We hereby advise that class action lawsuits have been filed against Vail Corporation and Vail Resorts Inc. on behalf of pass holders in connection with resort closures during the 2019/2020 season seeking refunds and other alleged damages. These lawsuits have been consolidated in the United States District Court for the District of Colorado under the caption, Han v. Vail Resorts, Inc., No. 20-cv-01121. The complaints and contact information for plaintiffs’ counsel in each of these pending class action lawsuits can be found <here>. THIS RELEASE AND THESE TERMS WILL AFFECT ANY RIGHTS YOU HAVE IN CONNECTION WITH THOSE LAWSUITS AND ANY SIMILAR LAWSUITS THAT MAY BE FILED. If you have any questions regarding the impact of these Terms or this release on your legal rights, you should consult with a lawyer.
We hereby further advise that class action lawsuits have been filed against United Specialty Insurance Company, Beecher Carlson Insurance, LLC, and American Claims Management on behalf of pass holders who purchased pass insurance for the 2019/20 season. These lawsuits seek refunds and other alleged damages in connection with closure of resorts during the 2019/2020 season. These lawsuits are captioned Bradley v. United Specialty Ins. Co., No. 20-cv-520 (E.D. Ark.); Hoak v. United Specialty Ins. Co., 20-cv-1152 (D. Colo.); Kodama v. American Claims Management et al., No. 20-cv-2463 (N.D. Cal); Mair v. United Specialty Ins., No. 20-cv-531 (D. Utah); Mueller v. United Specialty Ins. Co., No. 20-cv-3407 (E.D.N.Y.); and Tourgee v. United Specialty Ins. Co., No. 1:20-cv-00902 (W.D. Tex.). These lawsuits are currently the subject of a motion for consolidation before the U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation, captioned In re National Ski Pass Insurance Litigation, No. 2955 (J.P.M.L.). The complaints and contact information for plaintiffs’ counsel in each of these lawsuits, as well as information regarding the MDL, can be found <here>. THIS RELEASE AND THESE TERMS WILL AFFECT ANY RIGHTS YOU HAVE IN CONNECTION WITH THOSE LAWSUITS AND ANY SIMILAR LAWSUITS THAT MAY BE FILED. If you have any questions regarding the impact of these Terms or this release on your legal rights, you should consult with a lawyer.
11. Exclusions and Limitations. Some jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages. Accordingly, some of the above limitations and disclaimers may not apply to you. To the extent that we may not, as a matter of applicable law, limit our liabilities, the extent of liability of the Vail Resorts Parties will be the minimum permitted under such applicable law. We disclaim any warranties to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law.
12. Disputes. These Terms and the relationship between us will be governed by the laws of the State of Colorado in the same manner as such laws are applied to agreements made, entered into, and performed entirely in Colorado. All lawsuits or claims arising out of or relating to these Terms (including any Credit) must be brought in the Federal or State courts located in Colorado. We and you hereby irrevocably submit to the exclusive personal jurisdiction of such courts for such purpose and waive any objection to such courts on any basis, including without limitation improper venue or inconvenience of the forum. You agree that regardless of any statute or law to the contrary, any claim or cause of action arising out of or related to these Terms (including any Credit) must be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arose or be forever barred.
13. Severability. If any provision of these Terms is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, you nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect to our intentions as reflected in the provision, and that the other provisions of these Terms remain in full force and effect.
14. Electronic Communications Notice. When you use our website or send emails to us, you are communicating with us electronically. You consent to receiving communications from us electronically. We may communicate with you by email or posting notices on the applicable website. You agree that all agreements and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing. In order to access any such communications, you must have a computer or other Internet-enabled device. In order to retain copies of any such communications, you must have a printer or data storage device. If you have a printer, you may print paper copies of any such communications for your own use. If you wish to withdraw your consent for us to communicate with you electronically, you may not use our website.
16. Questions. If you have any questions regarding these Terms or Credits or other inquiries, please contact us at comments@vailresorts.com or by phone at 970-754-0005.